In this Pandemic, for many their soft underbelly of how resilient their careers are, have been now exposed. Now more than ever, the need to build resilient careers that can withstand test of time.

It’s been an exciting two months designing and delivering this training to 60 now very motivated and focused ladies from UNWFP Ethiopia offices.

The ladies are now better prepared to adjust their careers and skills in the 4IR we are in. Are your employees’ career mindsets adjusting to thrive in our new normal?

A big shout out to my co-facilitator @Mary Ann Hotz. The synergy was fantastic, worked out like a well oiled machine. Thank you for making the two weeks very easy and manageable .????????

This was a joint initiative between Powerplay and Talentgurus@254. A special shout out to @Ian Hotz and Maryann Dutlow Hotz

And to the great UNWFP HR team, led by Farirai Chataurwa . Great support from Jerono OdhiamboAlex T. .

Totally enjoyed the two weeks. Great sessions, great transformation already taken place. I cant wait to hear how the ladies are scaling their career ladders after this. ????????????????????

Great things emerge through great collaborations/ partnerships ????????

#selfleadership#careers resilience #owningonescareer# partnerships#genderdisparitybalance


Pauline Kiraithe
Pauline Kiraithe

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