When I started my journey into purpose, it was a journey of faith. God took me through a process where he made me not look to others but keep my eyes on him. My faith has been strengthened and I can now testify, he is indeed faithful. All glory to God, this far you have brought me.

Yesterday we graduated the 3rd cohort of career coaching and 1st cohort of responsible social media and personal branding and Internet use modules at Mpesa Foundation.

We had a total of 384 students, courses coached over an 8 week period. Talentgurus got over 90% student approval ratings for both modules.

I glorify you Lord. ????????????????????????????????????????????

To those who know they have been called to do something and are scared, I encourage you to step out in faith. God says test him and you will know he is God

# purposejourney#faithjourney# obedience#careersucess#alleyesonHim????????# new levels #13 coaches # 1 leader# 6144 coaching hours # purposeexecution #leader#leadership#goingaboveandbeyond#purpose#coaching#leadershipdevelopment#personaldevelopment


Pauline Kiraithe
Pauline Kiraithe

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