Emotions Influence our thoughts, decisions and behaviors.
As a leader, it’s paramount for you to decipher yours and other’s emotions so as to positively tap into them to produce the best out of people, create a conducive work environment and culture that will lead to exceptional team performance.
They say the future of leadership ….is kind and humane. Are you an emotionally intelligent leader, do you inspire the best from your teams. EI is a critical future skill for all leaders. If you are interested in growing your Emotional Intelligence- sign up for this course.

The program takes a three pronged approach
The program takes a three pronged approach
1. Assessment: The Genos Emotional Intelligence
Leadership Assessment Evaluation
2. Coaching: Personalised 1-1 assessment results
interpretation and coaching
3. El Leadership Competencies Development
– Module 1: Model Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
– Module 2: The Aware Leader
– Module 3: The Authentic Leader
– Module 4: The Expansive Leader
– Module 5: The Resilient Leader
– Module 6: The Empowering Leader
Program Testimonials