It’s been 6 weeks since we started social distancing and working from home. I noticed a flood of webinars almost immediately of free forums to attend. I frankly have been picky on which to attend.

This is a period of great change, I truly felt the need to process what was happening. My brain was clogged and foggy and at some point I just got to doing other things that energize me. Life giving activities. Some include simple things like decluttering, spending time with God and my family, cleaning, baking, sewing, reorganizing, trying new recipes. Things that help me decompress.

This went on for 2 weeks as my brain unwound and processed. Take time to process the change before you plunge into action. I have rediscovered old passions that have brought me back to life, my old me and am now reenergized.

Post 2/14 Process, reenergize, re-strategize

# careercoaching# Covidlearnings#gifttohumanity# getting backtonewnormal# selfcare# mentalhealth


Pauline Kiraithe
Pauline Kiraithe

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