My coaching journey started a decade ago, I did a ICF certified executive leadership coaching diploma from Career Connections and AOEC (UK). I was part of the pioneer coaching students in Kenya. At this point, I was an in-house organisational coach and didn’t put too much focus on it, due to other work demands.

In the last 5 years, I decided to deepen my coaching craft through more practice and acquiring new skills when I started my coaching practice Talentgurus 254

10 years later, 3 diplomas later, over 500 coaching hours, I started my credentialling process. This is the like the Michelin Star process of coaching. The international mark of coaching excellence.

I got my ACC credentials last year, my badge of honor came last week. Woohoo????????????????????????????????????. I am excited as I now know what it takes to deliver excellence, always.

I still have two more levels to get to global mastery – ACC, PCC then MCC. But I have my eye on the ????.

The value of credentialling, is the coaching excellence mark is understood globally and opens up new opportunities. Thank you International Coaching Federation for this. We keep moving ????????????????????????

Do not hestitate to contact me if you feel stuck in the following areas – life, careers, executive leadership, vision and purpose, change and transitions.

#10,000 hours # journeytoglobalexcellence #process #coaching # personal development #coachingworks #10timesbetter#selfexcellence


Pauline Kiraithe
Pauline Kiraithe

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