‘Intentionality fuels the master’s journey.
Every master is a master of vision.’

These 27 new Ascenders started 2022 with clarity of overall self improvement in their life, career and business lives. They have engaged, networked and reflected on self and their career decisions made so far, and now gained clarity on their NEXT.

So excited to see them graduate from the ascend self leadership program cohort 8 and now join the 241 Ascenders ???? ????????????spread across 11 countries globally.

Keep shining, keep winning, keep growing.

Just like the ????keep soaring.

Thank you for the opportunity and trust to impact your careers.

2022, doesn’t need to be a blur, come and challenge yourself to be a better version of yourself. Cohort 9 registration is currently happening now, we are filling up quickly. Registration closes on 12 Feb 2022

#careercoaching#selfleadership #leadership#winning #intentionaliving #networking#howcareersarebuilt#soar#4IRcareers#Godwin????????


Pauline Kiraithe
Pauline Kiraithe

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