Held on 15th February, 2017 at Taj Lands’ End, Mumbai.

The Theme for the Congress is “YouWeCan”.

The Organisation:

  • The World HRD Congress started 25 years ago. The first edition was held in 1992. The edition was titled “The great HR Show.”
  • It was intended to focus on creating learning opportunities to stay relevant. Over the years the event grew in size and came to be recognized as one of the leading and truly pioneering Human Resources professional events in the Industry.
  • The WHRDC is guided by the advisory council. The Advisory council guides the strategic intent of the event making it rich in content as well as most prestigious and recognized for Global Awards for HR Excellence
  • The aim of WORLD HRD Congress is to create a global platform that which will help HR folks across the world to listen from the best leaders in their field. This is a recognized and admired as a great platform for networking and Evolving in the profession.The WORLD HRD CONGRESS for the last 22 years has been presented by Ascent – a brand owned by The Times of India. The year 2017 will celebrate its SILVER Jubilee year.
  • The theme was ” You we Can..! “. To make the world a better place to live in… we have a responsibility and our responsibility goes beyond what we do in our professional lives. As Marshal Goldsmith is World’s no 1 coach says.. its time to give back 15 coaching Leaders of the world will train 15 each and give back to the profession.”You we Can” is creating Hope through HR – A function least recognized by many.
  • Silver Jubilee WHRDC witnessed 208 speakers; 20 Moderators; 90 sessions and Awards. The key feature is Most Talented Global HR Leaders listing. Over 133 Countries participated and leaders from several organizations were in attendance.
  • Over 1400 Leaders were a part of a celebration of Lifetime. The World HRD Congress is the only event that will encompass all elements of HR including Strategic HRM; Training and Development; learning; Coaching; Leadership; Story Telling; compensation and benefits; Organisational Development; health and wellness; Building Trust; Diversity and Inclusion; Design Thinking and HR Tech.
  • This gave HR professionals across the country a rare opportunity to pick and choose from what they wish to as their learning objective. The value addition will come from the contribution made by all speakers who believe that deep sense of empirical research must prevail to make Thought Leadership happen.
  • The World HRD Congress paid a tribute to woman achievers from across the globe. The Woman super achievers will be a part of the Leadership congress. Those who are MAD- Make A Difference will be recognized for making the world a better place.
  •  Originated and started by Dr R L Bhatia a pioneer in transformational Thinking; Change Management and an embodiment of professional excellence. An author of several books in Management and a professional who creatively uses visualization in Training and Learning. He is a pioneer and has created many firsts viz; first to create a management film festival; first to create a corporate film festival; first to showcase work on career planning for success. His ideas have contributed to thought Leadership and making a difference to lives of many, He is just now working actively on CSR through the World CSR Day of which he is a Founder. Dr Bhatia loves to identify Talent and researches on two subjects the most – People and Excellence.


  • The WORLD TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT CONGRESS is governed by Global Advisory Council which guides the strategic intent of the congress to its logical success.
  • This Congress brought several Global Personalities under one roof.

Pauline Kiraithe Award – Global Training and Development Leadership Award:

  • As a thinker and doer you are a role model and a believer in change.
  • The award has been researched intensely by our research team. It is an iconic job of the research cell to produce a shortlist of Individuals who are doing extraordinary work and track the record of their achievements. In this category they will award the 100 most talented Global Training and Development Leaders.
  • The shortlist is then reviewed by a Jury comprising of senior professionals from across the globe. The criteria and competencies benchmarked are:-
  • Strategic Perspective
  • Track Record
  • Effective use of Training Technology
  • Training Effectiveness & Innovation
  • Future Orientation
  • Thought Leadership
  • The entire program is chaired by R L Bhatia, Founder, World CSR Day and World CSR Congress. The jury which consists of senior leaders, researchers and academicians.
  • The World Training & Development Congress undertakes intensive research besides an independent jury that takes the task of identifying winners. The congress is not for profit and is held as a part of the World HRD Congress which is in the 25th Silver Jubilee Edition in 2017.


Pauline Kiraithe
Pauline Kiraithe

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